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DDI Press Release - For Immediate Release - November 2009
Direct Dimensions to Introduce ShapeShot™ 3D Face Imaging Camera at the Inaugural TEDx MidAtlantic Conference in Baltimore

BALTIMORE, MD — November 5, 2009 — Direct Dimensions, a 3D imaging technology firm, will introduce its new ShapeShot™ 3D face imaging system at the inaugural TEDx MidAtlantic event in Baltimore on November 5, 2009. The TEDx conference will be held at the Brown Center’s Falvey Hall on the Maryland Institute College of Art campus from 7:30am until 8:30pm. Direct Dimensions is sponsoring the TEDx MidAtlantic conference as the Event Collaborator.

“This conference provides the perfect backdrop to unveil our 3D face imaging concept since TEDx is by definition an interactive environment for technology as applied to art, entertainment, and social concerns. ShapeShot™ enables an exciting new means for online personal interaction with amazingly real 3D avatars for social networking, gaming, and virtual environments,” states Michael Raphael, President of Direct Dimensions. “We are thrilled to unveil this new concept at the TEDx MidAtlantic conference here in Baltimore.”

ShapeShot™ combines proprietary software and commercial off-the-shelf digital cameras to take amazing 3D snapshots with the geometric shape of a face with striking high definition color. Direct Dimensions will be on site throughout the day demonstrating the new concept and taking ShapeShotsTM of TEDx conference attendees. Following the event, each person will be sent a link to their personalized ShapeShot™ website with their own faces displayed in an interactive 3D viewer.

About Direct Dimensions, Inc.
Since 1995, Direct Dimensions has provided advanced 3D digital imaging services, products, and training for the solution of 3D-related problems and applications in the fields of design, engineering, and manufacturing; as well as art, sculpture, and architecture. Direct Dimensions specializes in the use of 3D laser imaging systems and the conversion of 3D digital data into high-quality digital models. Direct Dimensions develops and markets 3D imaging systems for various applications. For more information, please visit

About TEDx MidAtlantic
The original TED concept started in 1984 and stands for Technology, Entertainment, and Design. Annual TED conferences brings together some of the world's most fascinating thinkers and doers. In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TED created a program called TEDx where x = independently organized. The TEDx program brings local people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks, video, and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection within the smaller group. TEDx MidAtlantic is operated under license from TED. For more information, please visit
