Art and Sculpture

3D Imaging Solutions for Art and Sculpture

Direct Dimensions’ engineers and 3D artists have been helping to create, preserve, and study sculpture since 1995. With a deep appreciation for the creative process and access to the best technology available, we meet your budget and aesthetic expectations while keeping creative control in the hands of the artist. From simple scan jobs to the most extreme 3D problem solving, we'll provide the best solution for your budget and project.

SCULPTURE REPRODUCTIONS - Enlargements, Reductions, and Replicas

3D Scanning combined with CNC milling and/or Rapid Prototyping provides fast, accurate solutions for sculpture duplication in various sizes and materials.

HUMAN BODY - Face and Body Scanning

The human body presents one of the most common subjects for sculpture, yet it is one of the most difficult things to scan. With years of experience and a wealth of unique tools, we have established methods for scanning live models, actors, patients, athletes, and even animals in order to make sculpture, avatars, prosthetics, or custom designed products.

DIGITAL ARCHIVAL - Digital Archiving of Monuments, Art or Artifacts

3D Imaging or “3D Scanning” provides a proven workflow to digitally document historic sites, monuments, statues, bas-relief, plaques, busts, and historic or natural artifacts with dimensionally accurate, high resolution 3D data.

DIGITAL RESTORATION - Digital Restoration

3D data, modern design software and digital manufacturing and fabrication technology provide a suite of tools to assist in the restoration of sculptural forms in all scales and in various stages of repair.

RESEARCH - Research and Analysis for Museums and Universities

Direct Dimensions works with museum curators and conservators to document, examine, and compare similar or related sculpture for publications and exhibits.