

Digitizing is the process of taking multiple single point measurements of 3D coordinates to build geometry.

This type of data acquisition is used frequently for inspection and reverse engineering applications with mostly geometric entities.

We have and use several types of digitizing devices that have different uses depending on the application:

FARO Platinum Arm
  • Portable CMM Arm-Based Digitizing:

    Used for small to medium objects with intricate to moderate detail. (Ex. FARO Platinum Arm)
FARO Laser Tracker
  • Portable Laser Tracker:

    Used for large objects with moderate to low detail. Excellent for rooms, large parts, tooling, machinery, etc. (Ex. FARO Laser Tracker)
Kreon Zephyr
  • Conventional CMM:

    Used for smaller objects with intricate detail.

Please visit our Digitizers product page to view all of the Digitizers that we offer.