Laser Scanning


Laser Scanning is the process of shining a structured laser line over the surface of an object in order to collect 3-dimensional data. The surface data is captured by a camera sensor mounted in the laser scanner which records accurate dense 3D points in space.

We have and use several types of laser scanners and each has a different use depending on the application:

FARO Laser ScanArm
  • Portable CMM Arm-Based Scanning:

    Used for small to medium objects with intricate to moderate detail. (Ex. FARO Laser ScanArm)
Konica Minolta Vivid 3D Camera
  • 3D Laser Scanning Camera:

    Used for medium to large objects with moderate detail. Also excellent for scanning people, includes color information. (Ex. Konica Minolta VIVID 9i Scanner)
FARO Laser Scanner LS
  • Long-Range Laser Scanner:

    Used for large objects and spaces with moderate to low detail. Excellent for ships, aircraft, facilities, outdoor spaces, etc. (Ex. FARO Laser Scanner LS)
Kreon Zephyr
  • Conventional CMM-Based Scanning:

    Used for smaller objects with intricate detail. (Ex. Kreon Zephyr)

Please visit our Laser Scanners product page to view all of the Laser Scanners that we offer.