Film / Video Games

With over 16 years of experience in 3D scanning, Direct Dimensions now provides 3D scans of faces, bodies, structures and objects for the visual effects and video game industries. Direct Dimensions’ work in the film industry includes Black Swan, Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian, work for Walt Disney World and others.


Direct Dimensions Accepted into IMDb!

We’ve previously discussed our 3D scanning work for Night at the Museum 2: Battle of the Smithsonian and the Oscar-winning Black Swan. We've recently performed 3D scanning and digital modeling for several new films. Click here to see more on our new IMDb page!

3D Face and Full Body Scanning

With a broad range of fully portable equipment, Direct Dimensions can laser scan live faces and full bodies and quickly deliver an exact 3D model.

Face Scanning - Capturing FaceFace Scanning - Texture MapFace Scanning - Polygonal Model

Set and Location LiDAR Scanning

Using specialized, portable, large scale scanning technology Direct Dimensions has the ability to quickly and accurately create an exact digital copy of a structure or set piece.

Lincoln Memorial - Laser ScanningLincoln Memorial - Polygonal ModelingLincoln Memorial - Final Polygonal Model

Prop and Maquette Scanning

After hundreds of projects scanning ships, aircraft, automobiles, and a host of everyday objects and props and with a tool box full of different scanning technologies, we are experts at utilizing the perfect scanning solution for an object’s physical characteristics and material properties to deliver your models on budget and in time.

Object Scanning - Original ShoeObject Scanning - 3D Point Cloud DataObject Scanning - Polygonal Model

Vehicle Scanning

With over 15 years experience laser scanning cars, airplanes, helicopters, boats, and other vehicles we have a team of experts who specialize in creating 3D vehicle models perfect for visual effects.

Vehicle Scanning - Scanning HumveeVehicle Scanning - Colored Point CloudsVehicle Scanning - 3D Solid Model

Digital Sculpting

Direct Dimensions can assist you with your digital sculpting needs, from original designs to modifications on an existing file or scanned maquette. Working with our advanced technology and expert digital artists gives you the ability to create, document, modify, and prototype a 3D model.

Digital Sculpting - Clay SculptureDigital Sculpting - Polygonal ModelDigital Sculpting - 3D Animation

To view additional Film/Video Game examples, please visit our Projects page.