
Using our advanced laser scanning and digitizing tools and processes, Direct Dimensions can inspect and analyze your part or object in a variety of ways:

Scanned/Digitized Part/Object to Nominal Model

DDI will scan/digitize the part/object and then complete a color deviation analysis showing how our model differs from the model that you provided to us.

Phone Cover - Scan DataPhone Cover - Nominal ModelPhone Cover - Part to Nominal Deviation

Scanned/Digitized Part/Object to 2D Drawing

If a 2D drawing with dimensions is provided to us, we will be able to compare dimensions we extract from our created model with the dimensions on your 2D drawing.

Latch - PartLatch - 2D DrawingLatch - Comparison Results

Scanned/Digitized Part/Object to Scanned/Digitized Part/Object

If there are 2 or more objects that are scanned/digitized, DDI can compare the differences between the multiple objects, and show where each differs from the others.

Tiger - Laser ScanningTiger - Digital ModelTiger - Object to Object Comparison