
Industrial components need to be manufactured precisely in order to ensure proper, efficient performance. Direct Dimensions has the tools and the knowledge to create a new part to peak perfomance, and also the ability to check the part and conclude that it is in fact working as intended.

Power Generation

For quality control purposes, Direct Dimensions can digitize, scan, and reverse engineer your existing power generation equipment and discover any errors that deviate from the original and determine exactly where a part needs to be modified to produce maximum performance.

Coil - Original PartCoil - Point CloudCoil - Final Solid Model

Mold Making

Digitizing a mold will enable us to make modifications, or to check design intent, in order to assure the final product is identical to the original design specifications.

Trash Can - MoldTrash Can - Solid ModelTrash Can - Final Manufactured Product

To view additional Industrial examples, please visit our Projects page.