Digital Modeling

Digital Modeling is the process of creating a computer model of an object that exactly replicates the form of the object. Laser scanners are used to capture the 3D data of the object, and then this data is transferred to the computer where it is aligned and edited and finalized as a complete 3D model.

Laser Scanning ObjectCaptured Scan DataFinal Digital Model


A Polygonal model is a model of an object that is created by building triangles from the points in a point cloud; a faceted model of an object.

Duck - Point CloudDuck - Building TrianglesDuck - Polygonal Model


A Rapid NURBS model is a polygonal model that has surfaces wrapped over it.

Turtle - Polygonal ModelTurtle - Wrapping SurfacesTurtle - Rapid NURBS Model


A Hybrid model is a polygonal model that uses rapid surfacing and traditional solid modeling techniques. Used when basic geometric features merge with complex contours.

Engine - Polygonal ModelEngine - Geometric FeaturesEngine - Hybrid Model

To view additional Digital Modeling examples, please visit our Projects page.