We receive many questions about our work, our processes, and our equipment. Here we've listed some of the most frequent and their answers. If you need any additional assistance, please feel free to contact us:

Company/General Questions

  1. Where are you located?
  2. Are you hiring?
  3. Can't find the answer here?

Project Questions

  1. I don't see any projects on your website that are similar to mine, can you still help me?
  2. How much do your services cost?
  3. How do I know whether my piece is "simple" or "complex"?
  4. What are the output possibilities?
  5. What are the differences between the different outputs?
  6. What materials can my object be replicated in?
  7. How do I know which product is right for me?
  8. How do I know which service is right for me?
  9. I don't see my industry on your list. What does that mean?
  10. How long do your services take?
  11. Can you scan my piece on-site?
  12. How do I get product support?
  13. Do you do training for your products?

Technical Questions

  1. How does the scanning process work?
  2. How is 3D modeling different from 3D animations?
  3. I have ideas about how to use this technology. Who should I share them with?
  4. What do all of the technical terms mean?
  5. How accurate is your equipment?

Direct 3Dview and FaceScan Questions

  1. Why isn't my Direct 3Dview or FaceScan working/loading?
  2. How can I get a FaceScan done?
  3. Is FaceScan safe?

Company/General Questions

1. Where are you located?

Direct Dimensions' headquarters is located at 10310 S. Dolfield Rd. in Owings Mills, Md. For more complete directions, visit our Contact page.

2. Are you hiring?

We are always interested in meeting new people who could potentially add value to the DDI team. Please visit our Employment/Internships page for up-to-date information on open positions.

3. Can't find the answer here?

Can't find what you're looking for? Email us at info@dirdim.com, or call us at 410-998-0880.

Project Questions

1. I don't see any projects on your website that are similar to mine, can you still help me?

Absolutely! Contact us with information about your project and we can evaluate your needs. You can also submit a Quote Request with information about your project here.

2. How much do your services cost?

Our services generally vary in price depending on what type of work we will be doing for you. Visit our Pricing Information page for information about pricing, and the factors that determine it here.

3. How do I know whether my piece is "simple" or "complex"?

Complexity of a piece is determined by a number of factors. Size, shape, desired output, undercuts, etc. all affect how complex the object is. For a general overview of complexity visit our Pricing Information page.

4. What are the output possibilities?

There are multiple output possibilities for your model, to learn more about them, visit our Model Examples page.

5. What are the differences between the different outputs?

The differences between each different output are explained in greater detail here.

6. What materials can my object be replicated in?

Steel, bronze, marble, foam, wax, glass, etc. These are just a few of the different material options you have when replicating your object. To learn more about our replication options, please contact Harry Abramson harry@dirdim.com, or fill out a Quote Request here.

7. How do I know which product is right for me?

Filling out a Quote Request can help us determine which product may be best for your specific project. Visit our Products section and download any of the brochures to learn more about each specific product.

8. How do I know which service is right for me?

Filling out a Quote Request can help us determine which service may be best for your specific project. Visit our Services section for more information about the many services we offer.

9. I don't see my industry on your list. What does that mean?

We have done work for a multitude of clients in every industry and we are constantly expanding to new markets. Send us an email, and we will be happy to help you!

10. How long do your services take?

The time needed to complete our services depends mainly on the specific type of project we are working on. To view a general overview of service time frames, visit our Pricing Information page, under the "Time Frame" section.

11. Can you scan my piece on-site?

Sure! We offer our services at our facility in Owings Mills, MD or we can come to yours. Contact us for more information.

12. How do I get product support?

You can email us, or contact the product manufacturer directly.

13. Do you do training for your products?

Yes, we offer custom training for all of our Services, and for all of the Products we use and sell. We have a dedicated training facility at our office, or we can come to your facility! Contact us for more information.

Technical Questions

1. How does the scanning process work?

Using a 3D digitizer, a laser beam is passed over an object. Inside of the digitizer, a camera is mounted that tracks the physical position of the laser beam in 3D space. This 3D data (x,y,z points in space) is transferred to the computer where the object (or subject) is literally "drawn" on the computer as the laser moves over it.

2. How is 3D modeling different from 3D animations?

3D animations are video clips using 3D models, while the models are the actual 3D data of the objects.

3. I have ideas about how to use this technology. Who should I share them with?

Contact us at any time to discuss your ideas. We're happy to discuss them with you!

4. What do all of the technical terms mean?

For explanations of the technical terms used on this site, please visit our Terminology page.

5. How accurate is your equipment?

Depending on what product you are using will determine the level of accuracy. In most cases, the accuracy can be anywhere from 0.0002" (1/20 the thickness of an average sheet of paper) to 0.25" (for large volume scanning).

Direct 3Dview and FaceScan Questions

1. Why isn't my Direct 3Dview or FaceScan working/loading?

First of all, the Direct 3Dview and FaceScan files work best on a PC using Internet Explorer. At this time these files cannot be viewed on a Mac. There also may be certain restrictions that exist on the machine you are using. In the case of not loading, your computer may not allow ActiveX downloads. This download is necessary in order to view the files. If you have any further questions/problems with these files, please contact Mark Ludwig mludwig@dirdim.com.

2. How can I get a FaceScan done?

If you would like to have a FaceScan done, contact us. We can discuss pricing, and set up a time for you can come to our facility, or we may be able to come to yours.

3. Is FaceScan safe?

Yes, the scanner used during FaceScan is a Konica Minolta Vivid 3D Camera. This type of camera is a Class 2 Laser Device, which is not harmful in any way to eyes, skin, etc.