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Direct Dimensions' Engineer Aids in FIRST Robotics Competition March 2006

Direct Dimensions Mechanical Engineer Michael Lent participated as a mentor to team #1719 for the FIRST Robotics Competition sponsored by NASA. Michael was attracted to the FIRST program after hearing a presentation given to engineers at Direct Dimensions by team 1719’s Main Contact, Melissa Schneider.

Michael met with the team frequently over the course of a few months from January through March offering advice during the brainstorming phase of the robot design, as well as helping the students with the construction of the robot's mechanical structure.

Team #1719 Summary:

Park’s NASA Goddard FIRST Robotics team #1719, also known as "The Umbrella Corporation," is now actively involved in designing and constructing a robot over the next six weeks to compete in the "Aim High" 2006 FIRST Robotics Challenge. The kick-off, in which NASA revealed the challenge around the world in a simultaneous broadcast, was Saturday, January 7. This year's game is both exciting and difficult. Students and mentors are now working 25 hours a week towards the goal of shipping a functional robot on February 21st, when the robot will be shipped to the Naval Academy for the first competition on March 16th-8th. The team received a $6000 grant from NASA, in addition to generating over $15,000 in funding from other donors.

To learn more about the Umbrella Corporation, and the FIRST Competition, please visit: