
Direct Dimensions unveils 3-D scanning tech for consumer cameras

Imagine using standard digital cameras and taking 3D pictures. Just point and click, like you do with your regular camera today, and get a 3D image instead of a 2D image. Thanks to an amazing new type of technology from Dimensional Imaging - this is not only possible, but at Direct Dimensions – it's possible today!

The technology, unveiled at TEDx Mid-Atlantic in November 2009, is now available for the average user. "ShapeShot is based on really on using the kind of camera you can find at Best Buy," says Michael Raphael, Direct Dimensions CEO.

Using the ShapeShot software, you could put your kids in their favorite video gaming. "We're interested in using real avatars. And finding reasons why people want to use real images of themselves in their Internet experience."

Other possible uses of the technology include customized 3-D jewelry, including cufflinks, a cameo, as well as dolls or even a wedding cake topper.

"We did a cake topper for one of our employees and it really blew everyone away," Raphael says. "We could create the iPhone of 3-D face apps."

The technology offers instantaneous image capture and automatic post processing to create accurate, high resolution, full-color 3D models. Specific features include:

  • Use of standard off-the-shelf digital cameras – very upgradeable!
  • 3D shape and color captured simultaneously in a single photographic flash
  • Resolutions to 21 megapixels per captured image (depending on camera used)
  • Does not use structured light, pattern projection, or any lasers
  • Quick and easy to set-up and use
  • Easily configurable (you can use as many stereo pairs of cameras as you desire)
  • Portable for carrying and shipping to shoot locations

Source: Michael Raphael, Direct Dimensions
Writer: Walaika Haskins